Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Solar Power: Grow Your Own

The Sun, ultimate power source. It supports all Life on the planet. It has enough energy to power all of our homes--simultaneously.

By incorporating solar power into your electricity usage, you will watch the monthly expense of utility bills decrease significantly. What's keeping most of us from going solar? High priced equipment. Just the price of installation alone has prevented most. So we're stuck with the energy cartels and their monopoly scheme (scam).

To this day we've been weighed down by monthly energy bills, the insanity of which is something we simply accepted--until Now.

Now we know better. Each person can convert his home to renewable, sustainable energy sources. It's possible to do it yourself. By adding wind power to the harvest of solar energy, the total amount of green energy will increase by a great margin. Each person's carbon footprint and overall impact on the environment will lessen significantly. (The utility companies will be pissed!)

It seems the main thing these "energy companies" don't want us to know is that: energy is free! And the second thing is that, we can do it ourselves. Today, it is possible to install and set up solar and wind power devices yourself, with relatively inexpensive materials. This is a fact.

I think once people start doing this en masse, it'll mark the beginning of the end for the utility corporations, (which is why these corporations are so fearful of this shift). More and more people are harvesting green energy--this is also a fact.

And now that methods exist to install the devices myself, in my own home, for my family, I can plot my escape from the corporate yoke.

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